Support Midwives in New York

Doctors were in Albany yesterday lobbying legislators to oppose the Midwifery Modernization Act, a piece of legislation that would allow highly trained, highly skilled midwives to practice without legally required Written Practice Agreements with doctors. Their professional organization, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has sent a letter of concern asking legislators to oppose the Midwifery Modernization Act (MMA). Readers of this blog will know that this is more likely motivated by turf wars since midwives provide a higher quality of care for low risk pregnancies at a lower cost.

Pregnant folks and their families deserve better; we deserve choices and access to the care that midwives provide.

Furthermore, this is our best chance to get homebirth back to families in New York City since St. Vincent’s closed.

Birthnet has been organizing supporters since Monday. PLEASE call and email legislators in New York today. More info:

As ACOG lobbies, let’s deluge Albany! On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, let’s make sure that for every ACOG member they see, they receive a dozen e-mails, calls, and pictures from us. Let’s show them how limiting our access to midwifery by requiring a written practice agreement negatively affects our families, our health, and our communities.

1. Contact Senator Stavisky

Tel: (518) 455-3461

Email address:

Or use this easy contact form found here.

Contact Assemblywoman Glick

Tel: (518)-455-4841

Email Assemblywoman Glick here.

(Note: We have learned that Assemblywoman Glick believes that this legislations “would make a significant modification to the practice of midwifery in New York”. This is simply NOT TRUE! When contacting Assemblywoman Glick please emphasize the following:

1. MMA does not expand a midwife’s scope of practice.

2. The midwifery model of care involves cooperation with doctors (of all types) and referrals when needed.

3. The only thing that will change by passing the MMA is the removal of the written practice agreement which is an unnecessary piece of paper that is directly prohibiting midwives from practicing all over New York State.

4. Midwives are highly trained, licensed professionals.)

Urge them to move the MMA – Senate bill S5007 / Assembly bill A8117 out of the Higher Education committee.
2. Contact your Senator and Assemblyperson.

You can find your Senator here and your Assemblyperson here. Contact them by email or phone and if possible make an appointment to visit their home office. You can also find more information about who is sponsoring the bill already and who the key players are at NYSALM’s website.


– let them know you are a constituent

– ask them to support, cosponsor, and vote for the MMA-Senate bill S5007/Assembly bill A8117

– Tell them that midwives are certified, independent professional health care providers. Refer to the talking points when you call or write your email.


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